I found it for an affordable price after watching a friend play it a year earlier. I wasn't sure how this game was going to play out and be any good value wise.

This title has earned a rating of M for mature from the ESRB. The additional story packs add another 20 hours to this number. To fully complete everything in this title will take a gamer around 50 hours. There are hidden blueprints, statues to find, and survivors to rescue. Lastly, "The Last Agent" is set after the events of the story and helps provide closure and casts you as a ZDC agent.This title is a full experience, offering players a lot of content to dig through. "Chaos Rising" has you step into the role of a surly biker. In "Fallen Angel," you take on the role of an infected human who is struggling to survive. In "Operation Eagle," you play as a Special Forces Commander. It helps flesh out the world to show you what each community of survivors was doing while Nick was fighting. This content lets you play as other characters. A traffic light could become a stick of electric death as you shock a zombie into submission.The "Dead Rising 3: Apocalypse Edition" features four pieces of DLC. For example, you can create a blade that lights enemies on fire when you swing it. This combo weapon has higher statistics and can inflict various amounts of damage on your opponent. However, Nick can combine multiple items together to create one weapon. There are common weapons he'll find just by searching such as brooms, pipes, and pistols. However, Nick has access to a broad array of weapons. At any given moment in this zombie apocalypse, there are hundreds of zombies on the screen. It also lets you save your progress at any time.As you explore, you'll have to contend with hordes of the undead.

The second mode slows down time, giving players ample time to complete every quest. This mode is similar to previous games in the "Dead Rising" series of video games. In one mode, time advances quickly, meaning players could miss quests if they aren't fast enough. The game offers you two distinct ways to play. As you play, time advances according to an in-game clock, changing from day to night and vice versa. You can travel to any point on the map at any time. This game was developed and published by Capcom.The gameplay of "Dead Rising 3" is similar to the previous entry, "Dead Rising 2." Like in "Dead Rising 2," this Xbox One game is set in the open-world genre. The plot takes many twists and turns and will always keep you on your toes. However, not all of these characters are helpful. In your search for an exit, you meet a cast of characters all looking to achieve the same goal. The government is planning on destroying the city in seven days. You play as Nick Ramos, a mechanic looking to escape the city of Los Perdidos, which is infested by zombies. "Dead Rising 3" is the third game in the Xbox franchise and the first entry for the Xbox One.