If you plan to use Zoom breakout rooms as a part of your course, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the Zoom Breakout Rooms Training content. To verify your current UNT Zoom services please visit: To request increased capacity licenses and add-ons, please contact DSI Tech at details and service availability. Please note the default Zoom Meeting license capacity for UNT users is 300 participants (per session). Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with a reliable platform for video/audio conferencing, collaboration, chat, and webinars across mobile devices, desktop computers, and telephones. You will then be joined to the Zoom session in your browser.Zoom is UNT’s web conferencing tool.Your default browser will open and you can click the ' join from your browser’ link.*Alternatively, choose ‘Join a meeting’ in the upper right of your profile page if you know the meeting ID and password. Click the Zoom link provided by the meeting host or your instructor again.Your account profile will show once you have successfully signed in.

In the message, click the link to ‘ Sign into’ Zoom.You will likely get a message that states the meeting is for “authorized attendees only.”.Enter your name and complete the CAPTCHA and click ‘ Join.’.On the web page, click the option for ‘ join from your browser.’.Your default browser will open, and you may be prompted to run the Zoom desktop installer. Cancel the Zoom installer.Click the Zoom link provided by the meeting host or your instructor.To join a meeting or class, either click the Zoom link provided by the meeting host/instructor or click the ‘ Join’ button in the Zoom desktop client if you know the meeting ID and password.*To verify you are in the correct UT Zoom account, click the profile icon in the upper right of the Zoom window. Zoom is now signed in to your UT account and ready to use.Once you are signed in successfully, you will be prompted to open Zoom.*If you are already signed in using CAS in the same browser, you will not be prompted to sign in. You'll now be taken to DUO to validate.A browser window will open and prompt you to sign in with your NetID and password.In the field provided, enter “ Tennessee” and then click ‘ Continue.’.If you are prompted for a company email address, look below the field and choose ' I know my company domain.’.Open the Zoom desktop app and click ‘ SSO.’.Students, this email may be in your Gmail Junk Folder. The first time you log into Zoom, you will receive an email confirming your account.